What is Recreation Therapy?

What is Recreation Therapy?

What is Recreation Therapy?

Recreation Therapy is a systematic process that utilizes recreation and other activities as interventions to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions, to psychological and physical health, recovery and well-being (this includes services and documentation).

In a simpler term, recreation therapy is used to assist anyone who may have concerns in the area of play and leisure. Below are the five main areas that we focus on:

5 areas of Functional Domain

Social- is the ability to enjoy meaningful relationships with

others in one’s environment.

Emotional/Psychological-the ability to deal comfortably &

appropriately with emotions.

Mental/Cognitive- the ability to learn and function intellectually

Physical- the ability for all body systems to function efficiently &


Spiritual-the ability to find meaning & purpose in life (mind,

body, spirit approach in whole health).

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